他にない形 ー morraの銀


・手ひねりのようなオリジナルの造形法tubend™ は銀と戯れて誕生.
・軽やかな付け心地を目指しており,中空構造になっている作品はAirsilver™ の表記.
・カフリンクスの機能と美を求め morralink™ 開発.
A shape like no other - morra's silver jewelry

Original design accessories, with a fine finish that conforms to high jewelry.
Enjoy the rich curves and deep brilliance.

・Playing with silver, an original modeling method like a hand twist, tubend™ was born.
・In pursuit of the function and beauty of cufflinks, morralink ™ was developed.
・We aim a light and comfortable fit. Some works have a hollow structure called Airsilver™.